Saturday, June 27, 2009

A few words to the wise...

Hello Darling Ones,

Today as I continue to miss my Mom (always called her on Saturdays!), I have decided to share a few words of wisdom with you...

Quotes of the Day:

"Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway."
– Mary Kay Ash

"Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight."
– Helen Keller

"Do not fear mistakes, there are none."
– Miles Davis

Monday, June 22, 2009

New Moon

Yes, my Darlings, it is in fact the New Moon, as of 3:35 pm NYC time, so if you haven't written your new moon wishes, do so pronto! "I ask and allow...." at least 2 and no more than 10.

It is 17 days since my Mom passed. There really are no words with which I can describe all that this has been for me and for my family - she was such a treasure to us all. I feel so close to her, yet weep to think that I can no longer talk to her in the ways in which we are all accustomed, plus give her kisses and hugs. For those of you who still have your Mothers, don't even bother to try imagining what it will be like to lose her, because it is deeper than you can ever imagine - you can't rehearse for it. My advice is to enjoy every single moment you have!

Om shanti!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My Mom

My Mom passed into the Eternity that is Forever on Friday, June 5th at 2:30 ish am; I was with her when she passed, for which I am most to say what she means to me!

So much can transpire for any one of us; so many different things are teachers. I don't have the words with which to express how honored I am to be the first born of the incredible woman who is my Mother...I will miss her in this dimension, yet feel totally connected to her at the same time!

No one ever told me that losing my Mother would be something I could actually feel in my very cells - yet this is the case!

Om shanti, shanti Om