Well, it has been a while since my last post, and so much has happened! The Faerie Workshop was divine - we were blessed by their Presence, and we gave offerings to a holy triad of trees in Central Park, as directed by Spirit, which was AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL, bringing the work and blessings into the reality of life here in the City.
PLUS, I have been blessed in a very unusual way. I was bit by a spider, I don't know where, how or when, I only know that this has been an incredible adventure into clarity and raised vibrations. In the beginning, I was so sick I couldn't believe it! And it was very scary! But NOW I realize I never would have been able to make the kinds of changes in my life that I have made through the weeks of recovery. I am OVERJOYED at life and at all the goodness I am blessed with!
May this be a time of beauty for you, and for the experience of Divine Love. We are surrounded by Angels, and as we give thanks for our bounty, their power increases. Be grateful for all that you have!
Om Shanti, and Love! xxx Raven