Hello Dear Ones,
Nancy Vega, mother of Henry, came to me for a Reiki session on Friday, May 1st. During her session, she gave permission for me to tell the miraculous story of her beautiful son, Henry, who is currently in the hospital undergoing chemotherapy for leukemia.
Nancy called me a little over one week ago to ask me for a distance healing for her son. After 3 rounds of chemo, he had contracted a germ that sent his system into shock from an infection in his lungs. He was in ICU on a respirator and under sedation when she called. To assist her beloved son, Nancy enlisted the help and prayers of myself and others, never losing faith that he would pull through.
I did a shamanic journey, asking my power animal and spirit guides to heal him. With Nancy's permission, I share the journey with you here, because it is so deeply, deeply moving and also a great teaching:
"I met my power animal at the edge of a waterfall. I asked for pity to be taken upon Henry Vega, his dear Mom, Nancy, and their entire family. I asked for Henry's healing...
I was instantaneously transported to a cave. Henry was lying on a healing fire - his whole body was made of Light. I was told that Henry's soul was being cooked - that he is a great shaman, which is why he has been brought to the edge of death. (NOTE: it is not unusual for a shaman to be tested in such a way) An Owl appeared - she told me that she would guide Henry through the darkness into the Light. My power animal told me to follow the owl as she flew away. I followed her and we flew through the pupil of a huge eye. Coming out the other side, I came upon Henry in the loving arms of Goddess Isis Herself. She was nursing him, feeding him exquisite medicine. The God Ra spoke to me while I watched Henry & Isis. Ra said that Henry's blood was being heated up to clear the infection. I remembered that Isis' own son, Horus, had nearly died of poisoning and that she had cured him. Ra told me in response to that thought that Isis still remembers the secret name and that she is using Her knowledge on Henry's behalf. Then the call-back came...."
The outcome: Henry miraculously pulled through and is out of the ICU. His Mom related deeply to every single aspect of what I saw in non-ordinary reality (the Spirit World). For shamans, the Spirit World is the REAL world and the world we notice in our daily lives is the DREAM.
I feel that it is very important to come to understand the language of the Spirits. For me, one of the best ways is through the practice of Shamanism, which is the oldest form of spiritual practice on the face of the earth. I love that shamans have historically been madly in love with the Divine Feminine energies we call Goddess, i.e. NATURE!
Blessings, blessings, blessings!
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