My dear friend, Thayer, bestowed a blessing upon me today, and I pass it on to you here as my season's gift to you. From my heart, I wish you
Perfect Life, Perfect Health, Magic Future
So be it!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Winter Solstice
Enjoy the Winter Solstice, which arrives on Monday, December 21st.
For our ancient ancestors, this was the time of the Yule celebration, heralding the natural rest of winter sleep; the inner dreaming and planning for the advent of Spring.
Blessings to you in your Winter's dreaming of your own Becoming...
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Inspiration by Helen Keller

Here I am, once again inspired by a beautiful heart...Words of wisdom that stir the soul:
"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."
– Helen Keller
Life is beautiful; open to receive its gifts!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thinking about writing...

I'm always involved with my book in various ways these days, and work progresses. It was fun to find an inspiring quote from Margaret Mitchell. I share that quote with you here, along with some information about her. As her personal story tells us, you just never know what Life is bringing your way!
Blessings to Margaret Mitchell wherever she is, and thanks for the inspiration!
"There ain't nothing from the outside can lick any of us."
– Margaret Mitchell
"Margaret Mitchell wrote just one book, the immensely successful Civil War novel, Gone With the Wind, which she wrote while convalescing with a broken ankle, basing it on tales her relatives had told her. She then put the book away until a publisher asked if she had ever written a novel. After giving him the manuscript, she got cold feet and asked for it back, but he'd already begun reading. The book still sells more than 200,000 copies a year. She was born in Atlanta in 1900 and died in 1949."
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Well, it has been a while since my last post, and so much has happened! The Faerie Workshop was divine - we were blessed by their Presence, and we gave offerings to a holy triad of trees in Central Park, as directed by Spirit, which was AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL, bringing the work and blessings into the reality of life here in the City.
PLUS, I have been blessed in a very unusual way. I was bit by a spider, I don't know where, how or when, I only know that this has been an incredible adventure into clarity and raised vibrations. In the beginning, I was so sick I couldn't believe it! And it was very scary! But NOW I realize I never would have been able to make the kinds of changes in my life that I have made through the weeks of recovery. I am OVERJOYED at life and at all the goodness I am blessed with!
May this be a time of beauty for you, and for the experience of Divine Love. We are surrounded by Angels, and as we give thanks for our bounty, their power increases. Be grateful for all that you have!
Om Shanti, and Love! xxx Raven
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I realize...
I realize that I am supported by so many who have come before me - you may have noticed that quotes from our ancestors so often inspire me to create a quick blog post! I hope you enjoy their wisdom and inspiration as much as I do...
A formal "Thank You" to all those who kept the river of Light flowing through all the ages, so that we might experience its inflow as LOVE during this time of all-systems transformation across the Earth!
Om Shanti Shanti Om
A formal "Thank You" to all those who kept the river of Light flowing through all the ages, so that we might experience its inflow as LOVE during this time of all-systems transformation across the Earth!
Om Shanti Shanti Om
Wisdon of Marie Curie
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
We create our own reality
Friday, October 16, 2009
Great Quote!

With all that's going on in life right now, this wisdom from Yeats makes me very happy:
"We taste and feel and see the truth. We do not reason ourselves into it."
– William Butler Yeats
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Faerie Workshop - Samhain (All Hallow's) 10/31
In preparation for the Faerie Workshop, here is a Prayer to raise your vibrations to their level:
(Based on a prayer written by our Mystery School)
All Hail to the Faerie Queen of this land, and All Hail to those She loves!
All Hail to the great and powerful Kingdom of Faerie!
To you I offer my humble prayer:
Through your powers to bless, to nurture and to love, please adjust my sight that I might see you again. Help me to witness the magic in life. Let me remember what I already knew. Ignite within me the happy powers of Joy, Dance, Light and Color, Light and Life. Please grace me with the knowledge of your Presence. I humbly ask that you come back to me in unexpected ways.
All Hail to the Faerie Queen and to your Kingdom forever!
I thank you and praise you as I hail you, glorious and beautiful Shining Ones! Thank you for listening to my prayer.
May you flourish always and in all ways!
Blessings upon you in all your beauty and your Love!
“On Shee, On Shee, On Shee!”
(English pronunciation of Gaelic)
Peace, Peace, Peace
Om Shanti, Shanti Om
BTW, I have decided to reduce the fee for the faerie workshop on Saturday, Oct. 31st (Samhain). We will meet from 10:30 am - 6 pm, and the new price is: $126, which also makes a sacred "9". All else remains the same. Location and all other details provided upon registration. Please e-mail me: with any questions, for more details, or to register. Blessings of Faerie Light to YOU!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Always ...
It's rather late; almost 1 am, and I am missing my sweet Mom. She has been gone for close to four months now. I really wish I could speak to her in person, and yet, I feel her around me and can reach her when I need to...isn't that amazing and wonderful?
I am not alone in this ability. We can always be in touch with those we love who are on the other side. It's just a matter of opening up and allowing...
If you are missing someone, close your eyes and breathe...listen and you will "hear" in ways you might not expect!
I am not alone in this ability. We can always be in touch with those we love who are on the other side. It's just a matter of opening up and allowing...
If you are missing someone, close your eyes and breathe...listen and you will "hear" in ways you might not expect!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Confirmed PRIVATE time at Stonehenge!

I have been contacted by British Heritage, and it's official! Our May, 2010 Glastonbury, England Retreat WILL visit Stonehenge on May 2nd after regular hours for private time to ceremony and to just "be" with the stones! We will have the inner circle all to ourselves, with our personal guide, Peter Knight, in attendance. This is a great honor and a wonderful opportunity to awaken sleeping ancient memories. Under normal circumstances, visitors to Stonehenge must stand behind a fence and aren't allowed inside the stones. I envision great joy and power for all of us resulting from this wonderful gift!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Book Proposal-Day Two!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Abraham Lincoln

As I face the daunting task of writing a book proposal, I take heart and am inspired by the quote from our dear President Abraham Lincoln, when he said:
"I have an irrepressible desire to live till I can be assured that the world is a little better for my having lived in it."
– Abraham Lincoln
Thank you to the Universe for the state of Grace I find myself in. A Grace in which help rises to the surface from within my own Self, and from the world of my wonderful friends, the most important of which on this quest is none other than the beautiful author, Signe Pike!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Glastonbury Pilgrimage!

Many of you have asked for the price of the pilgrimage to Glastonbury, England; I can happily announce that our retreat, which runs from April 30 - May 7, 2010, will be $1350, less than I had expected!
This price includes:
- Transportation to and from Heathrow Airport to Glastonbury
- 7 night's lodging (Little Orchard Guest House & Chalice Well)
- 3 traditional English breakfasts
- Beltane ceremonies at Chalice Well
- Transportation to and from Stonehenge and Avebury
- Private access to Stonehenge (May 2nd)
- Access to sites in Glastonbury
- Tour guide & lectures (Peter Knight)
- Tour of the sacred landscape (the body of the Goddess) with Avalon Priestess, Kathy Jones
- Ceremony in the Glastonbury Goddess Temple with Priestess Kathy Jones (May 5th)
- Daily ceremonies and meditations everywhere we go!
Here are some of the places we will visit:
(Airfare to Heathrow not included.)
Deposits are now being accepted to hold your spot - I can accept credit card payment via my Paypal account (ask for details). If you reserve your place now, your deposit can be returned in full up til Feb., 2010. For more details, contact me. Recommended first deposit: $250, if possible for you.
Email me with any questions or issues:
To conduct a retreat of such sacredness is a dream come true for me! Glastonbury is my Spiritual HOME! I can't wait to share it with you!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Carl Jung

Here's a very inspiring bit of encouragement from Carl Jung. Love this guy! He brought forth such wisdom during his time on Earth and changed the way we look at things. I am grateful for his life.
"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens."
– Carl Jung
Friday, July 24, 2009

I share a quote with you that encouraged me so much this morning as I sit here pondering who to send pitch letters to for my magazine articles:
"You miss 100% of the shots you never take."
– Wayne Gretsky
And here's even more inspiration from Elizabeth Gilbert, author of "Eat, Pray, Love"
Come to Glastonbury, England for PERSONAL Inspiration! See earlier post: "Price for Glastonbury, England Retreat!"
Happy Friday - I'm off to Vermont to spend time with my Dad.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Honoring Black Elk

Our great Native American ancestors deserve to be recognized for holding the Light for the future generations. Today I honor the great Lakota shaman, Black Elk, with a quote from his life story:
"And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being."
- Black Elk
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Priestess of FOI

I am overjoyed to announce that I have been officially accepted as Priestess to the Goddess in the lineage of the Fellowship of Isis. This is the fulfillment of a dream that will now enable me to officially train Priestesses who will then be recognized by the FOI upon completion of their studies and FOI requirements. I am so happy!
(See: to view the official announcement.)
Monday, July 6, 2009
Blessings to Darling Maddie!
I just found out that my Dear and Darling Friend, Maddie Russello, passed away this morning. She was one of the most pure-hearted individuals I have ever known, and beautiful beyond measure! In my life as an actress in my younger days, Maddie was part of the theater company I began with my best friend, Grete Fries and dancer, Meredith Evans. Our company was called "The Artery" and we did some amazing things for our community, including free children's theater and performances in nursing homes. During that time, Maddie developed a clown character called "Cupcake" who was most appreciated by the children we performed for. Cupcake was sweet like Maddie herself, and so cute! Maddie & I worked together all the time in those days, and most memorably in "Ex-Miss Copper Queen On A Set Of Pills" by Megan Terry, and in Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in which Maddie was Hermia and I was Helena...
I will miss my glorious friend; may the Goddess bless Maddie in every way, keeping her safe and happy forever!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Glastonbury in May, 2010

I am just so overjoyed to announce that I am putting together a spiritual retreat for next May in Glastonbury, England! There's no place on earth like Glastonbury - the residents of this beautiful country town honor the Goddess, nature and the Kingdom of Faery more than anywhere else I've ever been. Imagine, just as an example of how it is there, that your "housekeeper" (at Chalice Well, where I at was this past May) sports glitter in the shape of a full moon on her forehead every day, and wonders if you've had any drink from the White Spring that comes down from the Tor, blessed by the Faery King, Gwen Ap Nudd!
We will (dream come true for me) celebrate Beltane (May 1st) at the Chalice Well, have private time at Stonehenge in the middle of the stones, and also be guided through not only Glastonbury, but Avebury and the ringstones there as well!
I am sooo excited and so very, very happy to be able to bring beloved ones with me as I return to my spiritual "home!"
Saturday, June 27, 2009
A few words to the wise...

Hello Darling Ones,
Today as I continue to miss my Mom (always called her on Saturdays!), I have decided to share a few words of wisdom with you...
Quotes of the Day:
"Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway."
– Mary Kay Ash
"Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight."
– Helen Keller
"Do not fear mistakes, there are none."
– Miles Davis
Monday, June 22, 2009
New Moon

Yes, my Darlings, it is in fact the New Moon, as of 3:35 pm NYC time, so if you haven't written your new moon wishes, do so pronto! "I ask and allow...." at least 2 and no more than 10.
It is 17 days since my Mom passed. There really are no words with which I can describe all that this has been for me and for my family - she was such a treasure to us all. I feel so close to her, yet weep to think that I can no longer talk to her in the ways in which we are all accustomed, plus give her kisses and hugs. For those of you who still have your Mothers, don't even bother to try imagining what it will be like to lose her, because it is deeper than you can ever imagine - you can't rehearse for it. My advice is to enjoy every single moment you have!
Om shanti!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
My Mom
My Mom passed into the Eternity that is Forever on Friday, June 5th at 2:30 ish am; I was with her when she passed, for which I am most to say what she means to me!
So much can transpire for any one of us; so many different things are teachers. I don't have the words with which to express how honored I am to be the first born of the incredible woman who is my Mother...I will miss her in this dimension, yet feel totally connected to her at the same time!
No one ever told me that losing my Mother would be something I could actually feel in my very cells - yet this is the case!
Om shanti, shanti Om
So much can transpire for any one of us; so many different things are teachers. I don't have the words with which to express how honored I am to be the first born of the incredible woman who is my Mother...I will miss her in this dimension, yet feel totally connected to her at the same time!
No one ever told me that losing my Mother would be something I could actually feel in my very cells - yet this is the case!
Om shanti, shanti Om
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Faery Tale: In the Beginning, there was Confusion, Personal Misdirection, and a General Lack of Preparedness
And so it goes...
Am at the lake, in Old Lyme, Connecticut, where there is so much wild magic! And I am looking forward to meeting Signe Pike in England just a few days from now, to advance along the trail together, searching for Faeries; more wild magic to be sure! One other thing for sure is that I will fall to my knees in gratitude when we get to the Chalice Well. Yes I will! I will be reporting to the Goddess that I have followed her instructions and become Priestess. Not only that, but in just a few short weeks I will be able to train Priestesses, as She asked me to, since I will be formally recognized by the Fellowship of Isis to be qualified to do so! How amazing that life would have changed so drastically for me in under 5 years!
Which reminds me. When we are children, 5 years seems like forever; in adulthood, 5 year isn't such a long time after all. I wonder what Signe & I will discover about "time" when we are in the presence of the Queen of Faerie at Chalice Well...So much to look forward to!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Saving our Sisters II

I am working with Karla from Casa Violeta to raise money to help Dutzi Design hire more women into good paying, decent jobs in Tulum, Mexico. The downturn in the economic situation due to the lack of tourism has reached a crisis point. There is no illness whatsoever anywhere along the Yucatan Peninsula, so I am going to teach a workshop in Tulum; all proceeds after expenses will go to Dutzi Design!
Here's a picture of some of the women who are now working there; they all have amazing stories and we need to stick together as Sisters of the World to do what we can!
Bless you for any prayers, thoughts, and if you can come to the retreat, it will be posted within the next few days!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Saving our Sisters

I feel so lucky to live in the USA, because even with all our problems, we can still help others in trouble across the globe. For that reason, I ask you to go to this link and to sign the petition:
Free Aung San Suu Kyi!
Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi is seriously ill, locked up by the brutal Burmese regime on new trumped up charges.This cruel maneuver comes days before her 13 years of detention expires and will keep her jailed until after the 2010 elections. The only 'crime' she committed was to peacefully call for democracy.
Burma's brave democracy activists are calling on UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon to secure all 2,100 political prisoners release -- he can make this a condition of any renewed international engagement. We have just six days to get Ban Ki Moon's attention -- the petition will be presented on May 26th. Sign the petition.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Story Corps
Was interviewed by Story Corps today. They are gathering an oral history of America by interviewing people from all over the USA. I was happy to do it. And in the process, I realized how much I want to one day tell the story of what happened to me and to those I knew after 9/11. The story I have to tell has never been told...may Goddess bless me and present the opportunity in the most powerful way to do the most good!
May the Light of Love shine forever, no matter what!
May the Light of Love shine forever, no matter what!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Lakshmi & Me!

Quote of the Day:
"The truth that can be said is not the true truth"
- Lao Tsu
Today I was blessed with a chant to unleash the power of Lakshmi, given to me by one of my clients. As he explained at the end of his Reiki session, the sound of Sanskrit activates the energies that are God/Goddess.
How lucky am I to give a healing session, and then receive something back with which to heal myself?! Thank you, thank you, 13 thank you's to Mike and to the ever-abundant Universe! (and to Lakshmi, of course, for blessing my life!)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Missing Home

Well, its Saturday and today I miss another time and place - my heart is with Grandfather Sitting Bull. He is so precious to me; he inspires me with the wisdom and devotion to All That Is Good he exhibited in the face of such difficulties! I love Sitting Bull. I wish I could sit with him in his tee pee for a long talk...
May the great chief and shaman, Sitting Bull, be blessed wherever he is right now. I send him love and deep appreciation.
By: ~Anonymous Lakota
Saturday, December 15th, 2002 was the 112th Memorial anniversary of the assassination of Tatanka Iyotaka, more commonly known as Sitting Bull. This inspirational leader was murdered deep within Lakota Nation territory, a vast area encompassing much of the central and northern Great Plains. Tatanka Iyotaka in his day was one of the most influential leaders on the prairie. Today, he is the most recognizable Indian in the world.
Tatanka Iyotaka was not impressed by white society and their version of civilization. He was shocked and saddened to see the number of homeless people living on the streets of American cities. He gave money to hungry white people many times when he was in the large cities.
He counseled his people to be wary of what they accept from white culture. He saw some things which might benefit his people; but cautioned Indian people to accept only those things that were useful to us, and to leave everything else alone. Tatanka Iyotaka was a man of clear vision and pure motivation.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Reiki and the New York Giants
I'm very happy that I was endorsed by Charles Way of the New York Giants.
To see an interview with him, check out:
To see an interview with him, check out:
Reiki Energy Plus
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sitting Bull
Friday, May 8, 2009
Enjoy the Full Moon!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Happy Mother's Day to All

Hello Dear Ones,
Whether you are male or female, young or old, a parent or a child, a grandparent or a friend, we all share an innate knowledge of what "Mother" means.
May we each take a sacred moment on Sunday to feel the simple joy of just being alive. To know you are a manifestation of the creative energy of the universe called "Great Mother" and "Divine Goddess" is a wonderful thing! We are all part of Her legacy...and so, Happy Mother's Day to the Cosmic Mother who lives inside each and every one of you and all of us!
Here is a photo of Amma, a very, very dear emanation of Light who channels the Divine Mother energy. F.Y.I., Amma will come back to NYC in July, giving us her splendid hugs, and infusing each recipient with Divine Light and Love. Check out:
Bless your heart,
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
...More rain
It's 10:30 pm, and after a day of sunny weather, it's raining again. The days of rain we had from last Friday until Tuesday (yesterday), has transformed Central Park into such a high vibration of life force you can almost see waves emanating out of everything. As I walked through the park twice today, I could feel the energy of green life and joy rushing into my body, a transmission to me from Nature. Glory be to the Goddess and to the Faery Kingdom who serve Her so well! We will celebrate them, and all that is good, at Mystery School on Friday night...
Today was a day of challenge for me in some ways and beautiful in others. I was disappointed by a friend that I have given much to and blessed by a visit with my wonderful and amazing son. Yin and Yang.
So as I take a breath before my last prayer to Isis for the night, I think with love of Amma and present the following quote:
"It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly."
– Isaac Asimov
And I hereby bless the friend who hurt me while I open to embrace my glorious future with an open heart!
Today was a day of challenge for me in some ways and beautiful in others. I was disappointed by a friend that I have given much to and blessed by a visit with my wonderful and amazing son. Yin and Yang.
So as I take a breath before my last prayer to Isis for the night, I think with love of Amma and present the following quote:
"It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly."
– Isaac Asimov
And I hereby bless the friend who hurt me while I open to embrace my glorious future with an open heart!
Monday, May 4, 2009
The Story of Henry Vega

Hello Dear Ones,
Nancy Vega, mother of Henry, came to me for a Reiki session on Friday, May 1st. During her session, she gave permission for me to tell the miraculous story of her beautiful son, Henry, who is currently in the hospital undergoing chemotherapy for leukemia.
Nancy called me a little over one week ago to ask me for a distance healing for her son. After 3 rounds of chemo, he had contracted a germ that sent his system into shock from an infection in his lungs. He was in ICU on a respirator and under sedation when she called. To assist her beloved son, Nancy enlisted the help and prayers of myself and others, never losing faith that he would pull through.
I did a shamanic journey, asking my power animal and spirit guides to heal him. With Nancy's permission, I share the journey with you here, because it is so deeply, deeply moving and also a great teaching:
"I met my power animal at the edge of a waterfall. I asked for pity to be taken upon Henry Vega, his dear Mom, Nancy, and their entire family. I asked for Henry's healing...
I was instantaneously transported to a cave. Henry was lying on a healing fire - his whole body was made of Light. I was told that Henry's soul was being cooked - that he is a great shaman, which is why he has been brought to the edge of death. (NOTE: it is not unusual for a shaman to be tested in such a way) An Owl appeared - she told me that she would guide Henry through the darkness into the Light. My power animal told me to follow the owl as she flew away. I followed her and we flew through the pupil of a huge eye. Coming out the other side, I came upon Henry in the loving arms of Goddess Isis Herself. She was nursing him, feeding him exquisite medicine. The God Ra spoke to me while I watched Henry & Isis. Ra said that Henry's blood was being heated up to clear the infection. I remembered that Isis' own son, Horus, had nearly died of poisoning and that she had cured him. Ra told me in response to that thought that Isis still remembers the secret name and that she is using Her knowledge on Henry's behalf. Then the call-back came...."
The outcome: Henry miraculously pulled through and is out of the ICU. His Mom related deeply to every single aspect of what I saw in non-ordinary reality (the Spirit World). For shamans, the Spirit World is the REAL world and the world we notice in our daily lives is the DREAM.
I feel that it is very important to come to understand the language of the Spirits. For me, one of the best ways is through the practice of Shamanism, which is the oldest form of spiritual practice on the face of the earth. I love that shamans have historically been madly in love with the Divine Feminine energies we call Goddess, i.e. NATURE!
Blessings, blessings, blessings!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Mercury Retrograde Update!

... A reminder that Mercury is going retrograde on May 7th at 1 am, which means that if you have something you wish to start this month, make at least one action towards it by May 6th, even if its just one little thing. A phone call. An e-mail. When Mercury is in retrograde, it is not a good time to start new projects or to sign contracts, if that can be avoided. This retrograde will last until May 30th. Although I'm not an astrologer, I've been around astrology and astrologers long enough to knows that a retrograde also affects communication and electronic devices. Its a good time to back up your computer! And don't be surprised if people are late, mixed up about appointment times, etc. HOWEVER, THERE IS GOODNESS, TOO! During the retrograde, its a great time to FINISH projects, meditate more, take care of yourself, listen to your own heart... truly wonderful things can happen when you look after your Self. The first part of the retrograde is in Gemini, so things might be a bit loony communication-wise, and then it moves into Taurus. Mercury retrograding through Taurus gives us the opportunity to pick up on the important aspects of ourselves, and value the qualities we have. Taurus energy is expressed through harmony and strength. The focus during May provides a snapshot of our true energy that can only be as strong as our inner essence.
Keeping in line with the upcoming retrograde, I am taking an action here by saying that if we don't get to go to Tulum in June, I will teach a shaman workshop here in NYC, and I will teach Reiki. All dates still to be determined.
Bless your heart,
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
I saw on my Facebook page that one of my friends is wondering if she has ever been abducted.
My husband and I are pretty sure we saw aliens impersonating humans on the subway a few years back - it was really, really strange. The 3 in question were sitting across from us on the shuttle train. They looked just a bit odd but hey, this is New York! We have every kind of person here. What really stunned us was when they started laughing uproariously, and I mean uproariously, with peals of laughter...and none of their faces moved. They were all sitting there as still as stones, with this wild laughing coming out, not looking at each other, and not one facial muscle between all of them even twitched. Whew! Yup, we figured A-L-I-E-N-S! Right here in New York City!
Last week I was in Fairway. It was a bit crowded, being "after work" and closer to the dinner hour - there were 3 very tall guys in front of me in line. They were dressed normally, but not acting so. They were each gripping a big wad of money, holding the bills closely to their chests. They had an odd array of things - 1 beet, 2 apples, 1 carrot, 1 potato, 2 parsnips - hmmm? And whenever the girl checking them out would ask them "is this organic?" They would all look at each other, almost panicked, and one of them would say, "I don't know" (in perfect English by the way.) The girl became so frustrated that she called the manager. HE had to check them out. He would ask, "Did you get this potato upstairs?" All three of them would look at each other, and one would sort of blurt out "yes", or "no" to each question. It was so weird. And then they didn't know how to pay for their groceries. They were all just standing there with their bills, looking absolutely confused! Finally, the checkout girl had to extract the right amount of money from one of their piles...
Have you seen aliens in New York? Or wherever you are? My friend, Lindsey, told me last month at Mystery School that the Native Americans have known for eons that there are aliens on earth. Does anybody have anything to say about this?
My husband and I are pretty sure we saw aliens impersonating humans on the subway a few years back - it was really, really strange. The 3 in question were sitting across from us on the shuttle train. They looked just a bit odd but hey, this is New York! We have every kind of person here. What really stunned us was when they started laughing uproariously, and I mean uproariously, with peals of laughter...and none of their faces moved. They were all sitting there as still as stones, with this wild laughing coming out, not looking at each other, and not one facial muscle between all of them even twitched. Whew! Yup, we figured A-L-I-E-N-S! Right here in New York City!
Last week I was in Fairway. It was a bit crowded, being "after work" and closer to the dinner hour - there were 3 very tall guys in front of me in line. They were dressed normally, but not acting so. They were each gripping a big wad of money, holding the bills closely to their chests. They had an odd array of things - 1 beet, 2 apples, 1 carrot, 1 potato, 2 parsnips - hmmm? And whenever the girl checking them out would ask them "is this organic?" They would all look at each other, almost panicked, and one of them would say, "I don't know" (in perfect English by the way.) The girl became so frustrated that she called the manager. HE had to check them out. He would ask, "Did you get this potato upstairs?" All three of them would look at each other, and one would sort of blurt out "yes", or "no" to each question. It was so weird. And then they didn't know how to pay for their groceries. They were all just standing there with their bills, looking absolutely confused! Finally, the checkout girl had to extract the right amount of money from one of their piles...
Have you seen aliens in New York? Or wherever you are? My friend, Lindsey, told me last month at Mystery School that the Native Americans have known for eons that there are aliens on earth. Does anybody have anything to say about this?
Riverside Park/Beltane!
This is what our Beltane Ceremony in Riverside Park was like....
Lori spotted a beautiful tree full of pink blossom with a blanket of its own petals spread out underneath it. As directed in my morning shamanic journey, we placed offerings at the base of the tree in honor of Pan and the Faery Kingdom, who love the Goddess and build nature. We cast the circle and did the Invocation of the Goddess, then we called in the 6 directions, followed by drumming and rattling and dancing around the tree. When we were "done", we closed the circle with a closing prayer of gratitude and we prayed for the women, our sisters across planet earth, to be free and to be respected by men, including all their male partners. It was beautiful! And then Christie climbed the tree, while Rina danced in a breathtakingly gentle and beautiful way, until she laid down in the pink flower petals and revealed her Faery Nature! I am grateful to Marina, Christie, Debra, Lori & Rina for being present for this fantastic ceremony. All Hail to them, and to the Great Powers of the Goddess, of Nature, of Pan and of the Faery Kingdom!
Lori spotted a beautiful tree full of pink blossom with a blanket of its own petals spread out underneath it. As directed in my morning shamanic journey, we placed offerings at the base of the tree in honor of Pan and the Faery Kingdom, who love the Goddess and build nature. We cast the circle and did the Invocation of the Goddess, then we called in the 6 directions, followed by drumming and rattling and dancing around the tree. When we were "done", we closed the circle with a closing prayer of gratitude and we prayed for the women, our sisters across planet earth, to be free and to be respected by men, including all their male partners. It was beautiful! And then Christie climbed the tree, while Rina danced in a breathtakingly gentle and beautiful way, until she laid down in the pink flower petals and revealed her Faery Nature! I am grateful to Marina, Christie, Debra, Lori & Rina for being present for this fantastic ceremony. All Hail to them, and to the Great Powers of the Goddess, of Nature, of Pan and of the Faery Kingdom!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
I'm staying positive!

I had a really bad dream last night, I know why. At this point in my life, I can follow the progression of things when I (as we all do) have the occasional bad feelings.
AND, I've decided to stay positive! Why not? We make our choices and thereby create our world. Here's a quote that greeted me this morning. Hope you enjoy it!
Quote of the Day
"When one's expectations are reduced to zero, one really appreciates everything one does have."
– Stephen Hawking
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Present Work
Blessings be!
A former student of mine called me last week, asking for distance Reiki for her 18 year old son who was in the ICU of Beth Israel Hospital. He was sedated and on a respirator with a raging lung infection that set in after 3 rounds of chemotherapy to treat his newly diagnosed leukemia. What a way to say "hello" after all these years!
But I was so glad she called, believe me, she's a very sweet soul, and I have missed her. Life sends us along so many different trails, and yet, and yet...we meet again!
Well, the long and the short of it is, I decided to do a shamanic journey instead (with her permission to do that rather than distance Reiki - I had my reasons, and I will describe them at another time, perhaps.) In that journey, my Power Animal and the Spirits showed me incredible powers for healing that I had never witnessed before. It was astonishing, and I called Nancy right away as soon as the journey was done...the report from the Spirit world was so great that I couldn't wait to tell her! The Spirits informed me that her son is a great shaman, and that this illness is a way in which to "cook his soul" for the road ahead...
I understood that what I had learned had more significance than just to heal one person - it was a message to me that I took seriously. I have used the information to teach my meditation classes since then, burning out imprints that have caused restrictions in our lives.
I am so grateful for every opportunity that I have to serve the Great Mother Goddess through the requests that come, and the results of shamanic work! Nancy's son is out of the ICU and in a regular room now - its quite a miracle! Thank you, thank you, 13 thank you's to All!
A former student of mine called me last week, asking for distance Reiki for her 18 year old son who was in the ICU of Beth Israel Hospital. He was sedated and on a respirator with a raging lung infection that set in after 3 rounds of chemotherapy to treat his newly diagnosed leukemia. What a way to say "hello" after all these years!
But I was so glad she called, believe me, she's a very sweet soul, and I have missed her. Life sends us along so many different trails, and yet, and yet...we meet again!
Well, the long and the short of it is, I decided to do a shamanic journey instead (with her permission to do that rather than distance Reiki - I had my reasons, and I will describe them at another time, perhaps.) In that journey, my Power Animal and the Spirits showed me incredible powers for healing that I had never witnessed before. It was astonishing, and I called Nancy right away as soon as the journey was done...the report from the Spirit world was so great that I couldn't wait to tell her! The Spirits informed me that her son is a great shaman, and that this illness is a way in which to "cook his soul" for the road ahead...
I understood that what I had learned had more significance than just to heal one person - it was a message to me that I took seriously. I have used the information to teach my meditation classes since then, burning out imprints that have caused restrictions in our lives.
I am so grateful for every opportunity that I have to serve the Great Mother Goddess through the requests that come, and the results of shamanic work! Nancy's son is out of the ICU and in a regular room now - its quite a miracle! Thank you, thank you, 13 thank you's to All!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Gratitude for what came before...
my new online digs!

Darlings and Beauties Sublime,
Just a very brief note to let you know that I am now switching my blog to this new address. I invite you to check in with me with any of your questions or issues, and to see what's new in my world of offerings. I like the idea of blogging, because I can let you know things that are happening, without having to bug my webmaster to add or subtract things from my website. For me, this is such a relief!
I send you love, and look forward to this new adventure!
With lots of love as always,
Just a very brief note to let you know that I am now switching my blog to this new address. I invite you to check in with me with any of your questions or issues, and to see what's new in my world of offerings. I like the idea of blogging, because I can let you know things that are happening, without having to bug my webmaster to add or subtract things from my website. For me, this is such a relief!
I send you love, and look forward to this new adventure!
With lots of love as always,
And now! An announcement!

If all goes well, I will be returning to Tulum, Mexico in June, 2009 with the following
(Arrive: Saturday, June 6th)
Workshop sessions daily, with free time each afternoon;
FRIDAY: An extra day to enjoy as you will!
(Depart: Saturday, June 13th)
NEW WORKSHOP PRICE: $150 per day for workshop INCLUDING LODGING!
All participants are welcome to stay for as few or as many days as you wish, up to one week. The first week-end is the Pre-Summer Full Moon Spectacular!
TULUM, MEXICO - JUNE 6th– 13, 2009
A Workshop/Retreat for Spiritual Awakening
Led by Raven Keyes
Do you feel a "quickening" inside,
and a longing to fly? Come!
In the magical time when sea turtles lay their eggs on the beach in moonlight and butterflies of every color migrate through Mexico, Raven Keyes, renowned Spiritual Teacher, brings a workshop/retreat to Tulum! This is a special offering to introduce those with little or no experience to SHAMAN WAYS! …
The perfect doorway to spiritual guides and practices that will last you a lifetime!
* Learn the basic shaman’s practice of journeying to non-ordinary reality
* Meet your Power Animal
* Connect with your Upper World Teacher
* Discover a power song
* Learn guidelines and elements of ritual for creating personal ceremonies
* Experience daily guided meditations to the mysteries
Workshop payable to Raven Keyes. To reserve your spot, for refund policies, and with any questions.Contact:
Credit cards are accepted via Raven's Paypal account.
Sweat lodge with Shaman Carlos Sanchez optional and additional, paid directly to him in Tulum.
Airfare & lodging separate.
E-mail for lodging reservations. All lodging is double occupancy; Karla will assign you a roommate if you are traveling alone!
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